The Establishment of Fundamental Sharī‘ah Compliant Hospital Management in Malaysia


  • MUHAMMAD HAZRUL BIN HAMZAH International Institute for Halal Research and Training (INHART), International Islamic University Malaysia.


The development of the ḥalāl industry has taken place in many fields including food preparation, farming sector, logistic, tourism, sports and health. The Sharī‘ah Compliant Hospital Management (SCHM) is an examples of a new concept in the healthcare segment derived from the application of Sharī‘ah’s Principle into the administration and the delivery services in the hospital. However, the deficiency of research discusses the fundamental requirement establishing Sharī‘ah Compliant Hospital Management (SCHM) in Malaysia is among the issues confronting. Besides, until this point, the organization is self-clammed because of absence of explicit rules gave by the authorities. Thus, this paper is attempted to identify the fundamental establishment of Sharī‘ah Compliant Hospital Management (SCHM) in Malaysia. Data was gathered through library research and qualitative analysis was carried out employing secondary data obtained. The important elements in establishing Sharī‘ah Compliant Hospital Management (SCHM) are establish Sharī‘ah Advisory Council (SAC), appointing Sharī‘ah Compliance Officer (SCO) and develop Sharī‘ah Critical Point (SCP). These elements acknowledge the healthcare compliant to Sharī‘ah in the management level.


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How to Cite

HAMZAH, M. H. B. (2020). The Establishment of Fundamental Sharī‘ah Compliant Hospital Management in Malaysia. Journal of Halal Industry & Services, 2(1). Retrieved from



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