A framework of Halal Industry Support System in non-Muslim Country: Focusing on South Korea


  • MINGYU PARK INHART, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
  • Muhamad Aizat Jamaludin INHART, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)


Following the significant growth of the global halal market and its capacity, not only Muslim society, but also non-Muslim majority society have joined and established a strategy to be involved in the paradigm of the halal industry. However, significant challenges may arise in non-Muslim majority society such as; social collision, value incompatibility of applying Islamic value system in a domestic environment, and the inefficiency with limited scope existing in the halal support system. Thus, we will discuss in this paper methodical discourse regarding the application of the halal industry. In addition to that, general domestic perception towards Islam and the halal industry will be discussed after we reviewed existing documents and published literature regarding the fundamental of the halal industry. The significance of the government’s involvement in the halal industry in the aspect of the strategical development was also highlighted. In the end, applying the halal industry development approach in perspective of Business Ecosystem was suggested. This paper involves several philosophical ideas which are the halalan toyyiban, business ecosystem, and systems-Theory of Political Science. Lastly, this paper has a limited scope in the Korean case study only.

Author Biography

MINGYU PARK, INHART, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

105-803, Samik 2nd APT, GyeonggiDaero 1578, 17720, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (South Korea)



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How to Cite

PARK, M., & Jamaludin, M. A. (2018). A framework of Halal Industry Support System in non-Muslim Country: Focusing on South Korea. Journal of Halal Industry & Services, 1(1). Retrieved from https://hh-publisher.com/ojs321/index.php/JHIS/article/view/7



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