Challenges and Prospects of Halal Hotel Industry in Muslim and Non-Muslim Countries: Proposed Study on Thailand and Malaysia


  • Wanamina Waehama
  • Md Mahmudul Alam
  • Mahmood Hayeemad


The world is currently witnessing a significant rise in investments in halal markets. This market is rapidly emerging as a new opportunity and is attracting a lot of investors, especially fast-growing economies in Asia and Europe are rapidly adopting and investing in this market through building halal compliant food, medicine, garments, recreational, hospitality and hotel industries. In case of halal hotel industry, the challenges are multi-phases. The dietary, food, environment, and accommodation needs of Muslims are significantly different from those of non-Muslims. It is important for the world to accept and embrace this market because of its potential to grow economies but also as a way of solving the problems Muslims tourists have gone through in looking for hotels that adhere to Sharia laws in non–Muslim countries. Therefore, to extend the market, it is very important to understand the challenges of Halal hotel industries in the Muslim and non-Muslim countries. This proposed study will be conducted on Malaysia and Thailand, because these two countries have received a lot of Muslim tourists, and they have just started to provide Halal hotel services. In-depth interview technique will be employed to obtain the data from hotel at different ranks from both countries. The data will be analysed by using quantitative and qualitative methods. The findings and policy recommendations of the study will help the policy maker and other stakeholders of Halal industry in Muslim and non-Muslim countries to expand the halal hotel & tourism industry.


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How to Cite

Waehama, W., Alam, M. M., & Hayeemad, M. (2018). Challenges and Prospects of Halal Hotel Industry in Muslim and Non-Muslim Countries: Proposed Study on Thailand and Malaysia. Journal of Halal Industry & Services, 1(1). Retrieved from



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